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Earth Mama

Organic Herbal Sitz Bath by Earth Mama | Soothing Perineal

COOLING RELIEF: Need some soothing peri care? Organic Herbal Sitz Bath is packed in easy-to-use, individual herbal sachets, each one is perfect for one use. The brewed herbal infusion can be used as a sitz bath or to make postpartum padsicles (kind of like making tea for your nethers!). NO WORRISOME CHEMICALS: You won't find propylene glycol, artificial preservatives or fragrance because no one wants those chemicals near their tender bits. Herbal compresses are filled with organic herbs traditionally used for perineal discomfort during pregnancy or after childbirth. POSTPARTUM ESSENTIAL: Pair with Earth Mama's Organic Perineal Balm and Herbal Perineal Spray, AKA the Take Care Down There Trifecta! It's the kind of combo that'll have your hemorrhoid or episiotomy be all, "YES, thank you!" Be strong. You can do it! TIPS FROM MOMMA: Postpartum padsicles are a thing, and they're great! Get crafty and save the remaining herbal sitz bath liquid, pour onto a regular postpartum pad, and freeze it for a clever little perineal ice pack. Trust us - it's one of life's secret little wins. HOW TO USE: Lay herbal pad in a shallow bowl and cover with boiling water. Steep for approx. 5 min., and let cool. Very gently drain extra liquid from pad, leaving it moist but not soaking. Be gentle and don't squeeze! The herbal pads are fragile and can burst. Cool in the fridge and gently apply moist pad directly to perineum. Ahhhhh!


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